Hey Quinhua (Candace) Fu,
Thanks again for meeting with me today! It was great to connect with you. To help summarize what we discussed, I’ve included notes as well as some resources for you. Please let me know if you have any questions.
During our call today, we identified the following actions to help you make progress:
1. Identify a few Ideal jobs
2. Do a word cloud- see below
3. Identify any skill gaps to address if any
4. Do the Udacity Career Projects
5. Refine your application materials to be achievement oriented ( watch video attached)
6. Make a list of target companies- 40 a a goal from dream companies, alumni connections, job postings, and trending companies.
7. Start connecting with people for informational interviews, work on your networking practices and presentation speech- we can have a call over this
8. To book your next coaching session, click here: bit.ly/2H8qE7Q
Here are a few resources that may be helpful:
Start with the End in Mind by identifying the job you want next. If you aren’t quite sure of the exact job you want next, then take the time to research job descriptions and start narrowing in on the ideal job for you. What is the best way to do this research? I recommend a few ways: 1) Search job posting boards such as LinkedIn and Indeed to look through the jobs you are considering. 2) Type the job title in the search bar of LinkedIn and search by “people”. Look through the profiles of the people who currently have these titles. Take note of their employers, job history and skills. 3) Look at the career section of the companies you would like to work for and see if they are hiring people for the role you desire. Read through the job descriptions that interest you. After completing this research, you can start to identify a few ideal job descriptions that you want to aim for in this career transition.
CAREER PROJECTS: Go to https://classroom.udacity.com/
Creating a Word Picture to check synchronicity between job description and your resume
Drop in a 2-3 of your favorite jobs to a word cloud. (www.Wordle.net, www.wordclouds.com, www.tagcloud.com) Review the words that are largest and stick out. Do the same with your resume and see if the words that stick out on your resume are in sync with your ideal job. Are they calling it software developer or software engineer for example? Make sure you are emphasizing the same words that your ideal jobs are looking for.
Describe your accomplishments / achievements using Actions & Results.
A = Actions (what specific actions did YOU take?)
R = Results (what was the result of the action you took? What was the value added?
* For your resume, flip your story for the most impactful reading experience. Lead with the results. This is going to capture the reader’s attention. Then follow the result by explaining how you achieved the result.
Strengthened the bond of a divided team by planning intentional teambuilding activities, setting clear expectations, and cultivating a trusting environment between leadership and direct reports.
Awarded Employee of the Month for consistently contributing to promotional events and receiving the highest rated feedback from customers.
Broaden your LINKEDIN HEADLINE to include more of your key skills/core competencies. Something like: | | |
LinkedIN “ABOUT” Section
Tell your story and connect the dots from where you’ve been, where you are now and what you want to do next. I like to use the following basic framework:
First paragraph – highlight your background/strengths, in 3-4 sentences
Second paragraph – highlight your newer skills 2 – 3 sentences
Third paragraph – 1 line that lists your most relevant tech skills
Put your email and to contact you on the last line
Watch the Writing Achievement Statements Webinar to improve resume further: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Watch the two LinkedIn Guide webinars on Udacity’s YouTube page
Part 1: Profile Optimization https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Part 2: Engagement & Content Creation https://www.youtube.com/watch?
As you transition your career and start getting ready for your job search, it is important to be more intentional about your networking efforts (both internally and externally). Below are some suggestions for your networking efforts:
Make a list of anyone you know who is well-connected in the industry. Make time to reach out to these people in small and big ways – maybe just a quick note on LinkedIn, or share one of their posts, meet-up to “talk shop” and have a coffee, etc.. It can be something more formal – a conversation about a project or if it is a closer relationship, maybe discuss your job search if you are ready. Show your presence and stay in this space! Try to get conversations (i.e., informational interviews) with some of these people.
Make a list of recruiters you may have used in the past – maybe through someone you hired or they helped you move jobs. It may be too soon for them to place you, but start building those relationships and let them know what type of position you may be searching for next.
In- Person: Find relevant networking activities: Meet-Ups, EventBrite, Speakers, Panels, Industry Forums, etc..
In-Person and Online – tap into your university connections – peers, alumni groups and professors
Internally – figure out who is working in the _______area at your company that you want to move into; let them know you are interested in this area and have been taking some classes outside of work; see if they have time to catch up for chat to talk about what they are doing in this space; This will help you build your connections within the organization so when opportunities arise down the road they will think of you. Or, if you apply to something internally they will remember you from your previous talk.
Follow companies and thought leaders in the area where you hope to work; Comment on their posts and even share their posts with a thoughtful comment; Start being more visible in this space.
Ideas on WHO to “cold message” on LinkedIn
Friend of a friend
Alumni from undergrad
Former work colleague
Someone who works or worked at the same company as you
What to say when you cold message: (always tell them of your common connection – alumni, , friend, etc…. This gives them a reason to feel they should respond to you. Ask for a conversation…not a job. Then, if you get to the point of having a conversation, you can discuss job opportunities. Always build a relationship first.
Examples of cold messaging”
Hello fellow Udacity grad! Recently, while researching the (insert industry) industry, your profile came up. It looks like you’re doing some interesting things as a (insert role) at (insert company). I’d be curious to learn more about your work. Would you open to grabbing coffee and chatting on (date/time)?
Hi, I see you work in the xxxxxx and went to xxxxx University. I am currently getting my Masters at xxxxxx in xxxxx. I would love to learn more about you and your experience with xxxxxx. Would you have time for a short phone call?
Hi, I noticed we are both connected with xxxxxperson’s name. I see you are working in xxxxx and looking to learn more about this space. I was wondering if you would have time for a short phone call so I could get your perspective on xxxx.
Hello, I noticed you work at company XXXX. I have an interest in exploring the potential of working for your company in a XXXXX role. Would you be open to sharing with me about your experience as an employee there?
Work on arranging informational interviews. Find the common thread between you and the other person, which will give them some incentive to talk to you.
When you arrange an informational interview, remember that the “ball is in your court” meaning you have to be prepared to lead the conversation. You are not arranging this to ask for a job, but rather to gain insight from a professional into their particular field or organization. Below are questions that could be appropriate for your informational interview:
What do you like most about your job?
How did you approach your job search while you were in school?
What do you like about xxxxx company?
If you could go back and do anything differently on this career path, what would you do?
What are the major components of your job on a daily basis?
What are your main responsibilities as a…
What is a typical day (or week) like for you?
What do you like most about your work?
What current issues and trends in the field should I know about/be aware of?
What are some common career paths in this field?
What kinds of accomplishments tend to be valued and rewarded in this field?
What related fields do you think I should consider looking into?
How did you become interested in this field?
How did you begin your career?
How do most people get into this field? What are common entry-level jobs?
What steps would you recommend I take to prepare to enter this field?\
How relevant to your work is your undergraduate/graduate major?
What skills, abilities, and attributes are essential to success in your job/this field?
What are the most effective strategies for seeking a position in this field?
Can you recommend any blogs, linkedin groups, or other professional associations which I should follow or join?
If you could do it all over again, would you choose the same path for yourself? If not, what would you change?
What advice would you give someone who is considering this type of job (or field)?
“Who else would you recommend that I speak with about this career?”
App for networking: Shapr
+How Not to be a Networking Leech (New York Times)
13 Ways to Get Better at Small Talk (Business Insider)
Great video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
This HBR article is very insightful in looking at different ways to approach to networking: https://hbr.org/2016/05/learn-
A great way to meet more people in the industry is to attend networking events, listen to speakers or attend conferences. You can look for events on these two sites:
https://www.eventbrite.com/ & https://www.meetup.com
These are letters you would send if it is a very small company and you are reaching out to the head.
Letter of Interest
It would be very helpful to get your feedback on our appointment so that we can continue to improve our support. Please share your feedback here: https://udacity.typeform.com/
I’d love to continue our conversation, so please schedule more time with me as you need support.
If there is anything else I can help with, please reach out by responding to this email.
Visit this link to stop these emails: http://zpr.io/gjKws